Installation instructions


  1. Download the appropriate distribution of MySQL. During the installation process, you will be asked to create a local username (root will be default username) and password to keep your database private.


Test your installation via typing mysql in terminal. If it’s not a recognized command, you may need to permanently add it to environmental path and restart your computer.

  1. From the command line, access MySQL environment by typing:

    mysql -u root

    or replacing root with your customized username:

    mysql -u YOUR_USER_NAME

    You can exit MySQL environment by typing \q.


If the prompt fails, you may need to enter the password associated with your user account (set in step 1 during installation):

mysql -u root -p


mysql -u YOUR_USER_NAME -p
  1. Install MySQL Python connector. If pip has been installed on your computer, use:

    pip install mysql-connector-python

FLUTE database

  1. Download flute.sql and unzip it as flute.sql.

  2. In the same directory of your downloaded copy flute.sql, access MySQL environment using your username and password:

    mysql -u root -p

    and create an empty database named flute (or whatever name you prefer YOUR_DATABASE_NAME):


    Note that “;” is required to end each MySQL command.

  3. Type \q to log out MySQL environment, and again from the command line:

    mysql -u YOUR_USER_NAME -p YOUR_DATABASE_NAME < flute.sql


You can perform the command because you are already in the same directory of your local copy flute.sql, otherwise you have to specify the path to it. Also, this command aims to load the curated file flute.sql into a database named YOUR_DATABASE_NAME and store the database in your own MySQL environment. Be patient here as it may take minutes to finish loading.

  1. You can now run FLUTE tool (via terminal, Jupyter notebook or GUI), you will need to enter the database name (YOUR_DATABASE_NAME), host name (localhost for MacOS/Linux and desktop name for Windows), MySQL username (root or YOUR_USER_NAME) and MySQL password as arguments.